
In Situ Science is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting scientific research, education and public awareness. Find out more about the work we do here, join our mailing list, or drop us a line at info@insituscience.com to find out how you can get involved.

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You can also support In Situ Science through one-off donations. Any amount helps us greatly in supporting Australian science and exploration.


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James O’Hanlon – Director

James O’Hanlon is a researcher, artist, and science communicator, and when not hosting the In Situ Science podcast you can find him searching for rare plants and animals across the globe. Find out more about his research and outreach here.

Herberstein_M Marie Herberstein – Director

Marie Herberstein is the Chair of the Academic Senate and a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Macquarie University. She is a world renown expert in the biology of spiders and insects. Find out more about her lab, the Behavioural Ecology Research Groupwww.behaviouralecology.net.

ellie-profileEllie Downing – Director

Ellie Downing is a science communicator for the Office of Environment and Heritage. She previously managed the Science Engagement and Events team for the Australian Museum, which included co-producing the Sydney Science Festival. Her passion for environmental sciences manifests as an unhealthy plant addiction and deep fascination with insects.


Dai Le – Social media manager

Dai Le is In Situ Science’s social media guru and a recent science graduate from the University of New South Wales majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology. He is a staple of the Sydney SciComm scene and now works for the Public Programs unit at the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. When not at a public science event you can find him on the online battle fields of Overwatch or in the mosh pits of any live music event